The big trip

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The big trip

Post by bits44 »

Well it's that time of year once again, yep Christmas and New Year's

The world is in pretty tough shape economically and the prospects for 2009 don't look too bright, The U.S. will have a new President and thankfully a whole new outlook on things after eight years of Bush.

There will be many failures and consolidations in the aviation industry, but it will survive, leaner and meaner and more profitable, and thank god fuel prices have returned to some semblance of sanity or things would have been much worse.

As we all know this is not the first time we all have gone through tough times, and it will not be the last, but again we as human beings have this built in ability to bounce back from adversity and guess what we will all survive, a little wiser, a little more cautious, and with a clearer vision of what's yet to come.

I have been so fortunate to have a financial guru to guide me through the financial and investment world and I have mostly survived intact and have even managed to pick up some very cheap stocks, and hopefully they will prosper in the future.

Anyway back to the title, I'm off on a life journey that I have planned for many years, and now is the time.
I will be trekking through South America starting in Columbia and ending in Southern Chile.

It will be a long journey and may take up to a year, so I will not be able to access the Internet on a regular basis but will try to keep up whats going on in the world, I purchased a net book that's very light and very portable so I won't have to lug around my big laptop.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I haven't fallen off the face of the world just yet, and I still have an intense interest in things that fly.

So to everybody a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year, love your family and friends and keep a happy thought in your head every day.

Until my return adieu'
There are no strangers in the world, just friends we have yet to meet.

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Re: The big trip

Post by jan_olieslagers »

Enjoy! And keep us posted whenever possible, please.

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Re: The big trip

Post by YYZ727 »

Have a nice trip, and just make sure you're back in time for them Vancouver games...

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Re: The big trip

Post by luchtzak »

Have a nice trip bits44! Keep us posted on your adventures!

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