EDI-AMS-WAW on KLM 02/09/19 Strike and Stress!

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EDI-AMS-WAW on KLM 02/09/19 Strike and Stress!

Post by Comet »

Once again we were to fly to Warsaw via Amsterdam with KLM and, like 2018, we chose to fly from Edinburgh on account of their longer transfer time in AMS. The longer transfer time was to prove an advantage in 2019!
We arrived at EDI on 1st September and checked into the Doubletree by Hilton hotel in the airport grounds. Nice hotel and very handy for the airport.

A view towards the hills from the airport.

Part of the terminal. Edinburgh is a much bigger airport than you initially think.

A view of the airport grounds.


Our flight had a scheduled departure time of 09:10 so we were at the airport shortly after 7am and joined the check in queue. It was already quite long and we were kept waiting for ages. Groups of people were allowed to push in and people were getting quite irate before we eventually got to the desk and checked in our hold luggage. I had checked in online and we had seats 7E and 7F, on the opposite side to what we normally sat in.
Security was quite fast moving and we encountered a pig ignorant security man. So far this was not as positive as our experience in 2018 but it was to get much worse.

I have Plane Finder on my phone so I decided to check the progress of the incoming flight from Amsterdam so I would be ready to capture the aircraft's arrival on video. I entered KL1277 in the search field and I got a message saying the flight was "not currently tracked". By now I was a bit concerned so I went to the AMS website and it said KL1277 to EDI was cancelled! I then checked the "live" departures on the official EDI website and it said KL1278 - our flight - was cancelled!! On the screen in the departure lounge it said gate information for KL1278 would be given at 8:10! We didn't know whether or not we would get to Amsterdam at all!
At 8:10 the screen flashed up the order to go to gate 13. We still didn't know if we were going to AMS that day or if we would lose our holiday.
At gate 13 we saw our aircraft! Why the hell did EDI say the flight was cancelled when it wasn't? Why did EDI cause stress and upset with their wrong information when they tell you to check their stupid "live" arrivals and departures section on their website?? I have never been so glad to see an aircraft being prepared for flight as I was that KLM 737!

Our transport to AMS - PH-BXI "Zilvermeeuw"/"Herring Gull".

My view from seat 7F.

The crew said that the flight would be late departing owing to strike action by ground crews at AMS. We were so glad of our long transfer time in AMS! It was spitting with rain in EDI and there was alot of cloud so viewing was not brilliant.
Eventually we were under way when we pushed back at 10:21 - 71 minutes late but still in reasonable time to make our connection to WAW. Our flight was expected to take one hour.

The latest issue of the KLM inflight magazine had a feature on Anthony Fokker.

Delta 757 going for take off.

We took off at 10:29 and were finally on our way.

Shortly after take off, before we flew into thick cloud.

Between the clouds.

The snack was Beemster cheese and tomato sandwich on organic corn bread. Normally the snack on the morning flight has been a piece of cake but I wasn't complaining as I love Beemster cheese :mrgreen: . O had orange juice to drink.

The sandwich.

Our route took us south over Northumberland, across North Yorkshire and over the River Humber. We crossed the coast over Lincolnshire and flew at an altitude of 35,000 feet and 663 mph. the cloud thinned out as we flew over England.

Thin cloud near Lincolnshire.

Near Lincolnshire.

As we neared The Netherlands the cloud increased slightly and it was a bit more overcast.

The Dutch coast.

Nearer to Amsterdam

Looking towards the coast on approach to Amsterdam.


We landed in AMS at 12:29, only 45 minutes behind schedule. We weren't worried but it wasn't over yet! The gate we were due to park at was occupied by another late-running aircraft so we had nowhere to park when we landed. We had to wait in a holding area.

Our companion in the holding area. This Norwegian 737 left for its gate before we did!

Even after the late-running aircraft vacated the gate we still couldn't move as the area was busy with other traffic! Time was going by.

When we eventually reached the terminal we were at the C gates. We had to dash the length of the D gates to reach gate D85 for our flight to Warsaw.


It was a relief when we made it to the gate but we were concerned that, with the abnormally short transfer time and the after effects of the strike, our checked in bag would not be joining us in Warsaw.

Our transport to Warsaw was Boeing 737 PH-BXY "Fuut"/"Grebe".

We had economy comfort seats 6A and 6B, our usual seats for the flights to and from WAW. Our scheduled departure time was 14:30.

The view from my seat.

The aircraft had alot of empty seats - unusual on this service - and we put that down to people being affected by the earlier strike.

Our flight was expected to take one hour 30 minutes and we would be taking off in a southerly direction. It was now sunny with light cloud in AMS.

We pushed back at 14:48 and taxied to the centre runway (I didn't experien e my favourite AMS runway this year :( ).

We took off at 15:06.

Shortly after take off. I love taking off and landing at AMS because you can see such a long way.

So very happy to be on the way to Warsaw!

Hazy cloud above The Netherlands.

Passing the Dutch coast.

The inflight snack was a Beemster cheese salad, tomato and spinach wrap. the first time we've had Beemster on consecutive flights and I wasn't complaining - it was nice.

Still broken cloud but not for long.

Our course took us north of Volendam, north of Urk and over Drents-Friese Wold National Park. As we flew over Germany it clouded over completely and remained that way for the rest of the flight. We crossed south of Bremen and north of Poznan. We flew at 37,000 feet and 563 mph.

Through thick cloud and in sight of Poland at last.

We flew through some heavy rain as we descended to Warsaw and we hoped we wouldn't have a week of bad weather. We landed at 16:38.

Aircraft we passed on the way to our gate.

Air Belgium A340.

LOT Dreamliner.

Approaching the gate.

Welcome to Warsaw!

Overall an eventful, stressful day. The KLM inflight crews are great and it is such a shame that people get angry with them for the actions of the ground crews. I was so glad when we got to Warsaw and not at all impressed with Edinburgh Airport's shoddy "information".

The video of our flights.
Sabena and Sobelair - gone but never forgotten.

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Re: EDI-AMS-WAW on KLM 02/09/19 Strike and Stress!

Post by sn26567 »

Impressive trip report, Louise! I can't wait for the report of your return flight ;)

Of course, travelling with KLM on a very day their ground crew is striking is calling for problems. Glad you managed to arrive on time in Warsaw after all.
ex Sabena #26567

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Re: EDI-AMS-WAW on KLM 02/09/19 Strike and Stress!

Post by Comet »

Thanks for your comments Andre :mrgreen: I knew nothing about the strikes until I received a text from KLM saying there may be delays to some flights. By that time we were in the departure area at EDI.

I was very relieved to get to the gate for our flight to Warsaw and equally relieved when our hold luggage was the second case to appear on the carousel in WAW.

We had a fantastic week in Poland, with largely good weather. The worst was Sunday when it rained for much of the day and totally ruined my plans to go out and follow the Praga district street art trail - that will have to wait until next year :mrgreen: .

Thankfully our return journey was strike-free :-)
Sabena and Sobelair - gone but never forgotten.

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